Saturday Shenanigans [#doncheadle #kevinhart #bigclasses]
I laughed so hard when I saw the original clip and even more when I saw the entire interview! But the "Don Cheadle" look just triggered...
Saturday Shenanigans [#doncheadle #kevinhart #bigclasses]
Tuesday Talk: Meet the Teacher/Student
Monday Mood [Preparation]
Saturday Shenanigans [#summertime]
T.G.I.F. "Great Item Friday" [#DailyFunHolidays August Calendar]
#ThirstyThursday [Unigo Scholarships]
Monday Mood [Celebrate Each Other]
Saturday Shenanigans [#yogaainthelping]
#ThirstyThursday [Mrs. C. Osorio]
Monday Mood [Remember to... HAVE FUN!]